rifle cartridge headstamps

280 Ackley Improved Chuck Hawks

Mosin-Nagant.net The Homepage For Mosin Nagant Rifles And Colletors Finnish - Soviet - Russian Collector's HQ
Heads - Welcome to Shaw Webspace!
Headstamp Codes Codes are listed by number codes, then in alphabetical order from A to Z, followed by a list of suspect codes at the end. *Note 1- Headstamps often
Remington Rifle Cartridges Cartridge Headstamps
Military Cartridge Headstamps Collectors.
CANADA Canadian Industries Ltd 1955-1976 Dominion Arsenal
Dear Visitor, Should you happen to have or know about a cartridge case which is dated before 1919 and have no longer use for it (dislike brass polishing !) or is just
Please us the Links below to assist you with your collecting and identifications. This links are available and free of charge but will not be maintained with all
I thought some of you fellows might think this is interesting. I liked the part about FA 57 30-06 brass being dangerous. I have some of it and it does have loose
Small arms calibre markings on base of.
rifle cartridge headstamps
EFD Rifles - The Enfield SpecialistsHeadstamp Codes - International.
General Ammunition Reference Stickies "http://www.afte.org/ExamResources/galle cf82cd07ba" "If you have to push it "just a littler harder", find a source
Military Cartridge Headstamps Collectors Guide [Charles Conklin] on Amazon.com. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. This book is a convenient source of
rifle cartridge headstamps
Surplusrifle Forum • View topic - More.
Welcome to EFD Rifles. We are Geoffrey Organ and Jim Franklin and we deal exclusively in Lee Enfield rifles. We recondition, refurbish and supply the very finest
Military Headstamps - Cast Boolits.